Select escape game and save adventure

Our outdoor escape games offer an unforgettable experience for every occasion in Dresden.

Catch Cobra in Dresden

On the trail of the master thief Hector

As a special unit, you are sent on your toughest mission yet: The master thief Hector has gone into hiding in Dresden. With a puzzle case left behind and tricky clues, the hunt begins. But time is running out.
Do you have what it takes to finally catch him?

Outdoor Escape Game "Catch Cobra" Logo

Abracadabra in Dresden

Magic escape game for children aged 9 - 12

A magical mishap! The little sorceress Luna has disappeared into her tablet and needs your help. To free her, you have to find the secret ingredients for the magic potion. With a puzzle book and hidden clues in Dresden, you can solve tricky tasks and discover the city in a fun way.
Will you manage to brew the magic potion in time?

Escape Game Abrakadabra Logo

Your personal contact

Ansprechpartner Epic Escape

Hi, I’m Marlon and I’m responsible for all your requests!

This is the quickest way to reach me!

Worum geht’s bei Deinem Event? So können wir uns perfekt auf Dich vorbereiten.
Hast Du schon einen konkreten Termin oder bist Du noch flexibel?
Wie viele Teilnehmer seid Ihr ungefähr? Ein grober Schätzwert reicht erstmal aus.
Gibt es Teilnehmende, auf die wir besonders Rücksicht nehmen sollen?
Fast geschafft! Trag bitte noch Deine Kontaktdaten ein und wir melden uns so schnell wie möglich bei Dir.

Your personal contact

Ansprechpartner Epic Escape

Hi, I’m Marlon and I’m responsible for all your requests!

This is the quickest way to reach me!

Let us know the occasion so that we can prepare ourselves optimally for you.
If no specific date has been set yet, you can simply leave a short text.
Tell us how many participants should take part in the event. An estimate is enough for now.
If there are participants for whom special consideration must be given, you have the opportunity to let us know here.
Almost done! We just need your contact details so that we can process your request as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your request!

We have received your request and will get back to you within 24 hours.